Artist Creates Amazing Porcelain Paintings

Image via zemerpeled/Instagram

The porcelain paintings of Los Angeles-based artist Zemer Peled explore the beauty and brutality of the natural world. His sculptural language is influenced by the environment and the landscapes that surround him and addresses themes of memory, identity, and places.

After graduating from the Royal College of Art in UK, Zemer began exhibiting internationally at venues such as Sotheby’s, Saatchi Gallery (London), Eretz Israel Museum (Tel Aviv) and the Nelson Atkins Art Museum (Kansas City), among others. His work also appeares in many private collections around the world.

Porcelain painting is an art that began in the T’ang dynasty on a kaolin-based porcelain in the ninth century BC in China. In the Renaissance , magnificent porcelain arrived in Europe by sea routes, trading through Constantinople, Genoa or Venice. Traditionally inherited from Chinese culture and then adopted in Europe by large German and French porcelain manufacturers, porcelain painting has gradually become a creative pastime accessible to all.