Funny Comics About Married Life By Love Handle Comics

Who doesn’t like to read a good comic, especially when it’s about something so relatable like relationships? Love Handle Comics creates short stories about a guy living with his wife, who is so different than him. He gets inspired by simple day-to-day situations and things she does that he finds exciting and endearing. The artist says that he often receives messages from people who read his comics, and it has helped them in certain situations.  

Sometimes it’s people in long-distance relationships, or couples who have been together for a long time and they’re going through a tough phase. Some of their comics are just provoking memories of sweet moments of love and joy between couples that are simple and innocent.   

The artist also creates and sells different kinds of products, such as the Loving Out Loud calendar. He says that in this chaotic world we live in, it’s easy to forget about all the good times that we’ve had, and a calendar featuring these little comics is supposed to remind us of those precious moments every day. There is even a space on the front and on the backside of the calendar where you can write down your feelings or doodle something cute and memorable!