Sanny van Loon’s Illustrations Are Simply Delightful

Sanny van Loon’s illustrations might be simple but they’re far from being simplistic. Using gouache, watercolor, and ink her illustrations have a handmade feel to them – something she actively strives for. Her process is fairly straight forward: sketching, coloring, and a touch of improvisation.

“Usually I start painting right away but sometimes I have no idea where to start,” she admits in an interview with Ballpit Magazine, where she explained thoroughly her creative process. “Then I collect some inspirational images and make some sketches with a pencil first. I like to make color schemes in advance to decide what feel the illustration will get, but in the end, I never really stick to it and just improvise. After the coloring comes my favorite part: adding details until I’m completely satisfied!”

Born in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, she works full time as a freelance illustrator. “I’ve been drawing ever since I can remember so it’s hard for me to imagine my life without it,” she says. “I think being an artist really makes you look at the world differently. For example, when I’m traveling I see so many details, color combinations, textures and stories that it almost drives me crazy: I just HAVE to pick up my pencil and draw!”

Her color inspiration can also come from vintage books, packaging, and even Pinterest. But whatever the initial inspiration is the end result is both original and eye-popping. Here are some highlights from her Instagram page: