Victoria Bee has always known she’d grow up to have a creative career, but it was only after years in the industry that she stumbled upon her weapon of choice—paper. “After making some 2D paper-cut illustrations for myself and some friends, a guy in Brussels asked me to build some paper bird-head masks for his art project,” she told Sixtysix Magazine. “I had a good vision for size and volume. It worked out really well, and I got a lot of positive feedback.”
And so, after five years of graphic design studies, and four years working as a junior art director, during which she moved around quite a bit, hopping back and forth between Montreal, Paris, and London, Bee decided to take a leap of faith into paper art. Now based in Berlin, she runs her own creative studio alongside other fashion designers and illustrators.
A paper prop maker, among other things, her creations include paper food, animals, and objects, ranging from the miniature to room-sized sculptures. And much like her creations, Bee’s inspiration consists mainly of paper.
“I have a box full of sketchbooks, lonely sheets of paper, Post-its, napkins… all waiting to be presented and used,” she said, noting the paper items in her possession. “I also keep all the sketches from previous projects. They’re not useful anymore, but I have fondness for them. I can recall the time I discussed that idea with someone and scribbled out the project. It’s not just a napkin anymore; it’s a real memory!”
We highly recommend you follow her on Instagram.