What if Jesus had an iPhone?

Image via egeislekel/Instagram

It’s nothing new that social media has flooded our everyday lives with long-drawn-out beach babes, make-up tutorials, and gaming videos for some time now. But what if Instagram, Youtube, and Tinder existed long before our time? Would everyone on Tinder swipe their fingers and would the high society of the Middle Ages compete with their candy-crush-highscore?

If one believes the pictures of Turkish graphic designer Ege Islekel, then probably our ancestors would have the same favorite leisure time occupation as we had. The young artist brings classic paintings like Da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” and Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” along with modern pop culture. The result is wonderfully satirical illustrations that capture the spirit of our times.

The result is a hodge-podge of absurd Tinder-meets-Medieval creations, make-up tutorial parodies and Instagram stories of Jesus and the Twelve Apostles – including Judas. Kinda ironic is the fact that Islekel is has a quite huge following on Instagram due to his indirect criticism of the widespread social media addiction.