Artist Makes Comics About a Late ADHD Diagnosis

Most people believe that ADHD only affects children, but the truth could not be further from that.

Although the more obvious symptoms of ADHD often manifests in children or when someone is younger, adults can have ADHD as well. Unfortunately, it’s not as easy to diagnose, because, one of the more obvious signs, which includes hyperactivity, is not as evident in adults as it is in children.

But, if you dig deeper, adults who have ADHD also share many symptoms with children who have ADHD.

This includes traits such as indecisiveness and impulsiveness, as well as the inability to concentrate or pay close attention to something.

The worst part about all of this is that most adults who have ADHD don’t know that they have it, which makes their life difficult because, if they do not get treated for ADHD, doing even the simplest of everyday tasks can prove to be quite the challenge.

Pina is a 29-year-old artist from Germany who knows this all too well.

Having only lived with ADHD recently, Pina dables in a lot of things, including trying to constantly push out comic series dedicated to her struggles as someone who was diagnosed with ADHD pretty late in life.

Make sure to scroll down below to see more of Pina’s works in action.