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Sijy is a Chinese artist behind the "Tiny Eyes" comic project. She was amused by the questions she got about her home country so decided to clear things up in the form of a comic. "I started "tiny eyes" comics a year ago in the hope of sharing Chinese culture through everyday life," Sijy said. "In lots of my comics,...
Every week, Jimmy Fallon reads the best tweets on the topic he gave on the previous week's show. The last topic was #FitnessFail and people had some great stories to share. Scroll down to read the best ones!
Pam Dave Zaring shared their funny story on Facebook about their family photo that was taken by a middle-aged woman, describing herself as an experienced professional photographer. The photoshoot was taken at the Forest Park in St. Louis where Pam paid the photographer $250 for the service. After 8 months of production, the Zarings got a package containing a...
New York Times bestselling author Nathan W. Pyle seems like an expert on horrible job interviews. We hope he's not taking from personal experience because these couldn't get any more uncomfortable. Do you find his comics at all relatable? Chances are that you will because these are some of the standard questions used by HR staff in companies. The responses are hilarious...
The adorable illustrations below are the work of Avner Geller, an artist who came up with the project #ThingsThatIHear. That's what he does - he illustrates things that he hears. How did it all start? "The idea for “#ThingsThatiHear” arrived when I was visiting a cookware store in Los Angeles," Geller remembers. "A young woman was looking at her phone...
When you get kids, you can honestly say a new chapter of your life has begun. You will grow and learn with them and it will not always be a fairy tale. It seems that no one knows this better than Chris Grady, an illustrator and creator of the comic called Lunarbaboon. Chris' inspiration is in his family and the...
Only those who had to spend countless nights next to a sleep talker know the struggle it can be. People can not only talk, but also scream, mumble, even sing, and all that can make up a pretty uncomfortable life. Fortunately, people who talk during sleep and manage to remain fun actually exist. One of them lives in Kansas and we know about...
They may not be a traditional family, but they are setting new standards for "normal". Paul Sandmann and Manny Lopez are the fathers of beautiful twins Adelaide and Augustus and the four of them often spend quality time together. One of their favorite activities is creating DIY costumes for Halloween. The twins are only 3 years old, but they already...
Angela is a 25-year-old illustrator from India who draws the cutest illustrations of life with curly hair. All the curly-haired girls can relate to her comics! See some of our favorites below and follow Angela on Instagram for more of her artwork.
Now this is a great idea on how to spend hours in a museum and not get bored, in case that, you know, have to spend hours in a museum. Photographer Stefan Draschan was patient and waited for the right visitors to come only so he can take photos of them. What's it all about? He thought it would be...


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