Artist paints 360-degree immersive mural in a giant vinyl dome

Image by @Oscar Oiwa / Facebook

Big bigger Biggest. When it comes to dimensions, few artists come close to Oscar Oiwa; his paintings are so huge that you can step in.

The Brazilian-born Japanese artist is world-known by his immersive installations, but his latest idea is among the most ambitious ones: drawing a 360-degree scenery inside an enormous inflatable balloon with dimensions 7 by 10 by 4 meters. With the assistance of 5-person team, Oiwa has drawn a beautiful cave of contrast with 120 permanent markers.

His mural, which is considered one of the largest drawings in the world, is styled wholly in black and white, and the decor allows the visitors to wander through a dreamlike and poetic universe — partly abstract and partly figurative — full of trees, walking paths and threatening skies.