Carlo Amen’s Minimalist Tattoos Resemble Picasso’s Art

Carlo Amen is a talented tattoo artist who creates amazing effects with limited colors and shapes. With only a few colors and several carefully placed lines, he achieves what many can only hope for—creating recognizable work in his own unique style. His main inspiration comes from people and nature, so most of his works feature faces, bodies, or elements from nature. Of course, he also fulfills his clients’ wishes, but always stays true to his style.

Amen comes from a small French village, from an artistic family that encouraged his creativity from when he was a kid. Before he decided on living in Paris, he traveled for years and explored his artistic style. Today, he’s a co-owner of the tattoo studio called Les Maux Bleus. “Located in the heart of Paris, the studio is hidden at the back of a courtyard, under a glass roof which is a source of light and inspiration for the artists,” we read on the official website.

Make sure to check out his Instagram account where he currently has almost 60,000 followers. He posts photos of tattoos he did and it’s hard not to want one for yourself! You can see some of our favorite picks below.