Russian Artist Paints the Interiors of Her Friends’ Bedrooms

Russia-born artist Ekaterina Popova has been living in the U.S. since 2001. During her move from her home country to another continent when she was a teenager, she started painting. Art was first a coping mechanism for all the changes that were happening, but it later became her profession.

Today, Popova lives in Pennsylvania and exhibits her work in galleries across the country. Growing up in Russia, she was surrounded by art all the time – from theatre and ballet to visual culture. One of her favorite things to do is to paint bedrooms of her friends as she visits them.

“I didn’t initially plan to paint the bedrooms,” she tells It’s Nice That. “When I first started exploring interiors in my work, I tried to convey old Russian homes from my memories and experiences.” She then started painting her own apartment before moving to other interiors and pretty much never stopped.

See them below.