The Anamorphoses of the Street Artist Odeith

Image via odeith/Instagram

Specializing in anamorphic graffiti, Portuguese artist Odeith developed an early interest in perspective and shadow, in an obscure style that he called “3D Sombrio”.

Famous in the field of street art since 2005 thanks to his works in “anamorphic art”, Odeith continues to play with perspective, angles of walls, rounded shapes or ceilings. His paintings always offer us perfectly realized optical illusions. Many companies have turned to Odeith for murals, such as Coca-Cola, Samsung, London Shell, Kingsmill, the Municipality of Lisbon, and the Municipality of Oeiras, as well as many others.

On his Instagram account, the artist regularly presents achievements which are getting more and more masterful. For his latest creation, the street artist has painted a frog on three different walls, one of which is completely rounded. From a certain angle, the batrachian seems to jump out of the picture to come and greet the artist.

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wish you all a great 2019🍻

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