Federica Colletti’s Surreal Art Brings Renaissance and Pop Culture Together

Federica Colletti is an Italian digital collage artist who creates surreal works that combine things that appear to be very different at first glance. She merges classic paintings from famous artists with pop culture references in the most wonderful way.

“I thought about entering the painting, literally. I portrayed myself within it through digital changes and I liked the result. Starting from this simple experiment, my passion was born,” she tells Gestalten.

Colletti has a background in the psychology of communication and has been influenced by movements like Art Nouveau and Surrealism. “I feel very close to the latter for its creative process: free-flowing ideas and attention dedicated to personal observations, plus independent thinking that arises from this mentality. This work is born from non-judgmental observations arising from the spontaneous flow of thoughts, without the filter of rationality that interrupts or influences its flow,” she says.

Don’t miss her amazing work!

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Un giorno imprecisato di questi è il compleanno dell’account 🎂 La cosa più soddisfacente è stata iniziare per gioco, senza un obiettivo preciso (ma quello non c’è neanche adesso, solo un mare di idee in testa e progetti in cantiere) e ha finito per avere risvolti semi-seri. Un saluto a tutte le persone simpaticissime con cui ho parlato o che hanno apprezzato le immagini da quando avevano la risoluzione di un francobollo ❤️ E anche a quelle con cui ho avuto il piacere di collaborare per qualcosa di visibile su social, siti o su carta. Tra un (bel) po’ di tempo dovrebbe vedere la luce, fuori dai social, un’altra cosetta 😎 <— (occhiali per proteggersi dalla luce) Buon non compleanno e portate gli occhiali 🙃 ————————— An unspecified day of these is the birthday of the account 🎂 The most satisfying thing was to start as a game, without a specific goal (but that's not even now, just a sea of ideas in mind and projects in the pipeline) and ended up having semi-serious implications. Greetings to all the nice people with whom I spoke or who have appreciated the images since they had the resolution of a stamp ❤️ And also to those with whom I had the pleasure of collaborating for something visible on social, sites or on paper . In a (nice) little bit of time you should see the light, out of the social media, another little thing 😎 <- (glasses to protect yourself from the light) Happy birthday and bring your glasses 🙃 —————— #art #arte #artwork #artworks #collage #digitalcollage #artist #roma #romantic #kiss #love #paint #painting #museo #mouseum #klimt #vangogh #mondrian #bacio #amore #trustnoone #time #hayez #bernini #botticelli #starrynight #magritte #popart #dalì #renoir

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