This Illustrator is Inspired by Eastern Cultures and Feminine Beauty

Illustrator Sasha Ignatiadou treats the creative process as a form of meditation – one that requires a certain headspace and involves a practice of reflection. “At the moment I’m working intuitively and all the illustrations that I create are rather an emotion that I try to show,” she explained in an interview with I Love Illustration. “I like to work in a calm, relaxed state, so I do not hurry to release one work per day.”

Developing a sketch and then choosing the right color scheme takes time and practice, with Ignatiadou’s tools including both analog and digital helpers (anything from acrylic and watercolors to oil paints and Photoshop).

Most of her work centers around themes of femininity and nature. Stirred by female beauty, plants, and eastern cultures, Ignatiadou treats the world around her as an endless pool of inspiration. “Inspiration literally accompanies me everywhere,” she admits. “I love my work so much that it’s enough for me to wake up early in the morning, to make coffee, to turn on the music and off you go… There are no special attributes of my inspiration, ideas are born from what I see around me, in nature, in books, on TV, in magazines.”

All this boils down to a simple, yet striking, piece of art.