Follow Alycia Rainaud for a Splash of Color

Color therapy (or chromotherapy) is a concept that dates back to ancient Egyptians, using color and light to balance the body’s so-called “energy centers”, also known chakras. And though graphic designer and digital artist Alycia Rainaud might not have intended for her work to be therapeutic, her vibrant digital illustrations provide just the splash of color our Instagram feed craves. A post-modern interpretation of color therapy, perhaps.

Inspired by Jungian therapy and creative exercises, Rainaud launched the Maalavidaa project as a way of self-expression. Having graduated in June 2018 with a Master’s Degree in Graphic Design, she now works as an independent director.

“I started studying graphic design more than seven years ago and finally graduated this past June by working on my thesis where I tried to link books to psyche,” she shared in an interview with Murze. “In the meantime, I started to work as a digital artist more than two years ago, in 2016. Creating Malavida was a way for me to express myself through different media and daily creative work but in a more abstract level.”

According to the promising digital artist, her work is influenced by publishing design, hybrid books, new technologies, psychology, digital art, visual effects, and experiments. Her color experiment seems to have worked out for the best! Take a look for yourself.