Murrz Draws Comics That People Are Obsessed With

In these crazy times, we all need a dose of humor, right? That’s when funny comics come in handy. And this Korean artist certainly knows how to entertain her followers.

Mary Park, who goes by the name Murrz on social media, is a gifted artist and graphic designer who makes comics many people can rely upon. Living with your partner, dealing with haters online, or trying to stay alive in the 21st century are just some of the ideas she depicts and shares on her Instagram profile—where she’s attracted more than 800,000 followers.

Describing herself as a cartoonist, Murrz draws her hilarious masterpieces in a “quirky and colorful style”. Her journey began a couple of years ago, and it gained popularity in no time.

Being in a loving and relaxed relationship is everybody’s dream, right? But not many people will expose the truth about the things that happen behind closed doors. Wearing granny panties, having face masks, being jealous of your partner’s eyelashes, and so on are just some of your deepest secrets.

If you’re looking for a good-quality comic, you should check out Murrz on Instagram or her other social media profiles.