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Amazing Cover of “Friends” Theme Through Decades By Postmodern Jukebox

It's official; we're getting the Friends reunion! The news of the 2020 special episode being in development went viral last week and we can totally relate to anyone who wants to...

See How New York City Looked Like in 1911

It can be difficult to imagine how cities looked a century ago. Things are changing so fast that it's easy to see the differences even from a few decades ago, but...

Dina Amin Breaks Down Products to Show How Much Waste They Generate

Dina Amin is an industrial designer who takes consumer products and breaks them apart to show exactly how much waste they generate. Using the stop-motion animation technique, she created a video...

Chinese Athlete Sets Guinness World Record by Climbing 36 Steps With His Head

Chinese athlete Li Longlong set a new Gunness World Record, breaking the one previously set by himself in 2012, for the most stairs climbed with his head. He successfully climbed 36...

Watch This Cobbler Restore an Old Pair of Loafers Into a New Pair of...

You've probably thrown out a pair of shoes before because you thought they were beyond repair, but this video will make you wonder if you could've taken them to a cobbler...

The Famous Cello Song Deconstructed

Have you ever had that famous cello song stuck in your head—you know which one we mean, the one that's in many movies and TV shows and that always sounds familiar...

A Park Full of People Joins a Man Singing “Livin’ on a Prayer”

Life seems to be all about the little moments that happen out of nowhere and leave you with a smile on your face. One such moment happened in London recently and...

If You’re a Human Working in an Office, You’ll Relate to This

Ze Frank's Youtube videos typically revolve around the animal kingdom, but his latest upload is a clever and funny take on the life of the average office worker. Frank asks several...

Actor Steve Martin Explains Abstract Art

The Museum of Modern Art recently posted a video to their Youtube channel that features the actor and comedian Steve Martin and his take on abstract art. “In this episode of...

Watch Adorable Puppies Walking in the Rhythm of “Stayin’ Alive”

Nothing can brighten your day like a bunch of puppies doing something funny! This time, we have a video for you that shows four puppies walking on a moving walkway in...


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