There’s No Shortage of Color In Marina Esmeraldo’s Art

Marina Esmeraldo’s paintings revolve around shapes and colors; her style is both minimalist and eye-popping. Drawn to minimalism as well as modern art, her work, says Esmeraldo, represents who she is and how she sees the world around her.

Based between Barcelona and London, she draws her inspiration from her tropical upbringing in northeast Brazil, as well as her travels around the world. She’s also very much drawn to palm trees. “I love palm trees, I have a deep intrinsic relationship with them, to the point of choosing to live in Barcelona because of that common link with my tropical hometown,” she admitted in an interview with The Wild Magazine. “I also love Finnish design and architecture, I think they usually find the perfect visual balance between serenity and busy-ness!”

Aside from palm trees, she’s also inspired by music, cinema, fashion, museums, patterns, a walk by the beach, mid-century artists and makers, as well as a healthy competitive drive. Her work, both commercial and artistic, has attracted quite a following. With collaboration with clients like Nike, Google, Penguin, Adidas, she’s also exhibited her art around the world, including in the Venice Biennale. Prepare to be inspired!