The Korean Man That Defies Gravity

As shocking as the title might sound, it is actually true!! Nam Seok “Rocky” Byun is a balance artist that hails from Tancheon in South Korea. He creates breathtaking sculptures that appear to defy gravity, and balances anything from rocks, eggs, cellphones, vases, teapots, laptops, mopeds, to people sitting in chairs, and washing machines.

He is invited for shows in the US, China and other countries around the world to wow the crowd with his unique ability to balance things.

The South Korean native, popularly known as Rocky Byun, has learned how to make gravity his playground. In his interviews, he says he has been practicing for the last 9 years and finds the center of gravity in every object he intends to balance. For him, it is more like an addiction – any time he sees a new object he starts looking for its balance point, and he does not stop until he finds the point.

His Instagram page is filled with videos of him balancing unusual objects. From balancing motorcycles and bicycles on their kickstands and even people sitting in a chair balanced on one leg on top of a small stone, he can do them all.

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Balancing with flowers

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