Foods That Are Banned Around The World

Photo by Robert Anasch on Unsplash

Every country has its own cuisine, sometimes consisting of unusual dishes that we just can’t wrap our minds (and palates) around. But in some countries, everyday foods that can be found almost anywhere else have been placed on the black list, never to be sold within the borders of the country. Why, you might wonder? Some have reasonable explanations, some don’t. Here is a short list of common foods that are banned in certain countries.

M&M’s are banned in Sweden

It’s because of a trademark dispute between two candy manufacturing giants: Mondales (previously Kraft) and Mars. Both firms have similar products with the letter “M” on their packages, so in order to avoid confusion, M&M’s got banned.

Raw milk is banned in the United States

Raw milk must go through a process called pasteurization in order to kill all harmful bacteria in it. This makes a lot of sense, but not really.

Chewing gum is banned in Singapore

This ban has been in force since 1992 and has the goal to improve urban cleanliness. The only exceptions are therapeutic, dental and nicotine chewing gums which must be prescribed by a doctor. The ban sure goes well with their other bans on spitting and graffiti!