Laura Martinez – The Sugar Artist You Need To Meet

Food decoration has developed into real art over the years. Laura Martinez is a sweets decorator whose wonderful work you really need to see.  

She was raised in a family who owned a bakery in East Los Angeles since the 1980s. After high school, she started art school but dropped out. Since her family owned the bakery, it was expected that she’d work in the kitchen, but she never saw herself there. When she was 19 she baked her first batch of cookies and figured out that what she liked the most about it was the decorating aspect, where her artistic talents could really stand out.  

Martinez pursued her passion and made a career through a side project from her family’s bakery – East Los Sweets. In an interview for Voyage LA, where the most inspiring stories about people from LA are written, she talks about the difficulties she had to go through in order to succeed. At first, she only sold her products for two major holidays – Valentine’s day and Dia de Los Muertos. Also, the project often had to be put on hold due to her having other full-time jobs. But, after years of struggle, she has succeeded, and here are some examples of her amazing work!