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Dark Folk-Inspired Illustrations by Katy Horan

Murder ballads are as gruesome as they sound but can also be hauntingly beautiful. Artist Katy Horan illustrated two classic tales – The Dreadful Wind and Rain And The Bloody Gardener....

Minimalistic Portraits by Otto Kim

Illustrator Otto Kim manages to tell powerful stories by drawing small characters against a blank background. Even though his characters are usually static, the shapes and colors he uses makes them...

Upcycled Metal Art Robots by Bruno Lefevre-Brauer

Bruno Lefevre-Brauer creates upcycled metal robots under his brand +Robots. “More than their technological features, he tries to reveal the original, almost primitive, form of the robots he creates,” Lefevre-Brauer explains. “+Brauer...

Jun Cen’s Soothing Illustrations Explore Loneliness in Modern Times

Jun Cen is a Chinese artist who has worked with many prominent names such as The New Yorker, The New York Times, WeTransfer, Vogue, Wall Street Journal, etc. “As a kid...

Artist Creates Uplifting Murals That Are Bold and Vibrant

Known for her bold and vibrant designs, that blend typography with paintings and installations, London-based artist Lakwena Maciver is here to make a statement. Her murals have a sense of urgency...

Matt Gondek Creates Exploding Art

Artist Matt Gondek illustrates our favorite cartoon characters as if they were blown up by some kind of explosive. Though his style is certainly unique, we were curious to learn how...

Beth Walrond Explores Food Festivities Through Art

Food is a big part of every culture and food-related activities are the thing that brings people closer together. Artist Beth Walrond is curious to explore different food festivities that exist...

Federica Colletti’s Surreal Art Brings Renaissance and Pop Culture Together

Federica Colletti is an Italian digital collage artist who creates surreal works that combine things that appear to be very different at first glance. She merges classic paintings from famous artists...

British Artist Owen Davey’s Illustrations Are Stunning

Owen Davey is an illustrator who manages to make work that’s contemporary and nostalgic at the same time. His work has been featured in global media and several books and also...

Jade Purple Brown Is an Artist Obsessed with Colors

We recently stumbled upon Jade Purple Brown’s Instagram page and couldn’t look away for a while. Her art is filled with colors and gorgeous layouts that are vibrant and celebrate life....


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