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Most of us grew up thinking the world belonged to skinny people. Up until recently, athletic meant skinny. Dancing was either a way to lose weight or to show off your skinny body. But today, thanks to social media and a few inspiring dancers, that world is slowly changing. Meet the plus-sized dancers that prove that you don't have...
Ballet is a beautiful, difficult form of dance that requires years of training and dedication. Hip Hop is no less difficult or impressive, though very different. This dance group combines the two to create a new form of dance – Hiplet. https://www.instagram.com/p/B06lerCHCU2/ Hiplet, a combination of Hip Hop and Ballet, was created by dance teacher Homer Bryant of the Chicago Multicultural Dance...
There aren't many things as calming as yoga and there aren't many things as fun as puppies. So why not combine the two? Meet the hottest trend in the yoga world: Puppy Yoga. https://www.instagram.com/p/B35uWTXFJjy/ Over the past few years, dogs and puppies have become a bigger part of our lives. People bring their four-legged companions to school and work and...


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