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Seungyoun Kim is an illustrator and designer from Seoul, South Korea. She’s also the creator behind Textcontext, which features a series of adorable dogs dressed in stylish turtleneck outfits. Her dogs artworks are so cute and seeing these furballs in cool costumes make us want to have one of those too. Kim doesn’t only create portraits of dogs, she also has other...
A 3D map is both excellent educational material and beautiful décor that reveals the exquisite landscapes that surround us. There’s an Instagram account called 3D Wooden Maps that offers maps with finest details in any scale. “Each map begins with custom made terrain model made by using very accurate, real satellite data.  Then it is carved out using a CNC router....
Mixed media artist, Christina Mrozik has always been intrigued by the natural world. Her fantastical illustrations combine flora and fauna. Flowers grow out of an owl's head or twist around a snake's body, transforming them into imaginative creatures living in a fairy tale landscape. Graduating from University with an emphasis in illustration, Mrozik has worked with multiple international galleries. She...
Tattoos have long evolved from the early days of anchors and tigers, and have grown into embellished works of art. And if tattoos are art, then Los Angeles-based tattoo artist, known simply as Roxx, has got to be one of the living day masters. The human body is her canvas. Her minimalist geometric tattoos, drawn using black ink only, resemble...
Tel-Aviv-based artist Valeria Monis blends two seemingly opposite mediums - tattoos and ceramics - into pieces of art, that are also functional. Take, for example, her tea set. At first glance, you might think it's a traditional blue porcelain set; but upon closer look, you'll notice the intricate designs of skulls and roses - motifs taken from Russian prison...
Amy Jones, aka Cheese Before Bedtime, creates some whimsical embroidery art for her project The Garden Party. Her stitched hoops show people wearing animal masks, tails, and wings, which explains the title of the project. Amy created her first stitches when her kids wanted to have something special for their rooms. Thanks to them, now every kid and adult can...
The author of these hypnotizing glitchy portraits is Harding Meyer, an artist from Berlin. His portraits are colorful but the most distinctive thing about them are the brushstrokes he uses to create a surreal, blurry effect. Another thing Meyer does to play with our eyes is blending the background with the skin tone, creating the effect of mirror-like skin...
While growing up, the famous cartoon, Tom and Jerry, was something we all looked forward to. The cartoon does not need any introduction. The show always provided a new adventure each time and kids can't seem to get enough of it. Tom was the famous impatient but determined cat with a sole plan in life; to catch the mouse, Jerry. This smart mouse was always a...
Stephen Wiltshire, an architectural artist and autistic savant, became popular for his ability to draw a detailed portrait of anything from just looking at it once. He was born in London in 1974 to Caribbean parents and was diagnosed of autism at the age of three. He draws the skyline of cities from memory after one brief helicopter ride over the...
Looking at pictures in Nick Sider’s Gallery, it is easy to doubt his work because of how real it looks. The details, the colors and every other thing gives it life. They are not photographing but paintings by the self-taught artist. He rose to fame through social media. The platform has played a major role in helping to publicize his artworks. Sider’s video...


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