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Illustrator and author Marc Martin captures the simple joys of everyday life, through his colorful and layered illustrations. A combination of hand-drawing, water coloring, and digital rendering, his work is a celebration of human spirit and nature, often featuring a hybrid between city life and natural settings. “Most of my work starts with a quick sketch in Procreate,” Martin shared...
If there's a silver lining to COVID-19, it's the return of hobbies. Being homebound means reintroducing ourselves to pastimes like baking and knitting—and Terry Cook has been doing just that. A self-proclaimed tinkerer and doodler, his hands are often busy with something: anything from the more traditional watercolor, acrylics, and inks, to the more experimental robotics and high voltage items. And...
If you're at all familiar with contemporary painters, chances are you've run into Katherine Bradford's work. Recognized mainly for her paintings of swimmers and superheroes, her naive paintings have been exhibited in prestigious galleries and museums like the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth (solo), MoMA PS1, and Brooklyn Museum. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHDp3NUJUxb/ Painted using striking color combinations, Bradford's paintings make for a dramatic effect. But her...
The benefits of illustration are manifold. Unlike photography, which is very much restricted to the fabric of reality, illustration can bring your wildest imagination to life. And doing so doesn't come at a hefty price tag. In fact, illustrating doesn't require more than a pen and paper. Recently, we've been inspired by Yumi Kitagishi's playful illustrations. Born in 1982...
There's a lot to be said about women's portrayal in both art and media. But while images of women in contemporary art might reflect society's views of them, some artists choose to turn these images on their head, provoking the viewer and raising questions about the complex politics of identity. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGXg0CpsESO/ Sarah Rupp's women portraits aren't meant to be pleasing....
Art doesn't need to represent reality in order for it to say something true about the world and the ways we experience it. Case in point: Grit Richter's surrealist art. Spanning across a variety of mediums (anything from traditional oil paintings to light installations), her work explores representations of shared memories and collective experiences. https://www.instagram.com/p/CDlMYxlIpMp/ “My work is not about my...
When it comes Amaryllis DeJesus Moleski's mixed media art, there are two main ingredients: rainbows and eyes. Her work spanning across a variety of mediums, which includes video, performance, and installation, DeJesus Moleski explores questions of identity and femininity through the see of colors and symbolism. https://www.instagram.com/p/CE7XvP1FjPP/ “I’m curious about the aesthetics of holiness and eyes have this divine omnipresent awareness...
Color therapy (or chromotherapy) is a concept that dates back to ancient Egyptians, using color and light to balance the body's so-called "energy centers", also known chakras. And though graphic designer and digital artist Alycia Rainaud might not have intended for her work to be therapeutic, her vibrant digital illustrations provide just the splash of color our Instagram feed craves. A...
Sonia Alins describes her work as "visual poetry"—a visual exploration of thoughts and feelings, dreams and nightmares. Born in Spain, where she spent most of her life in close proximity to the Mediterranean sea, Alins' work is very much inspired by seawater, incorporating translucent elements into her illustrations. “I was born near the Mediterranean sea and the influence of it and...
With collage art, the process is just as important as the finished piece. Beth Hoeckel knows best. Based in Austin TX, Hoeckel loves rummaging through vintage publications ranging from the 1920s to the 1970s, in the search for just the right material for each piece. “I love to mindlessly flip through pages and then tear out any page that I...


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